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Updated: Mar 17


The path to starting a well-run business often begins with a well-crafted business plan. But most of the plans are long and feel overwhelming. Small business owner's start them and end up tossing them to the side. The result? You end up "wining" it and wonder why things aren't working.

Whether you are thinking about starting a small business or recently launched, having a clear roadmap can make all the difference. You also need to be able to communicate the value of your business to anyone.

Whether pitching for a grant, networking with industry peers, or engaging with prospective customers, a well-crafted 'elevator pitch; ensures that you leave a lasting impression and spark curiosity about your business. It serves as the foundation upon which meaningful connections are built and opportunities are seized, making it an invaluable tool in the entrepreneurial toolbox.

At Ready? Plan, Grow! Small Business Community, we understand the importance of laying a strong foundation for your business. That's why we're excited to introduce our Business Planning 101 Starter Template—a practical guide designed to help you navigate the essential elements of business planning with ease.

The Foundational 3 W’s - Your Why

Our template revolves around three key questions that form the backbone of any successful business:

  1. Why am I starting this business?

  2. Who do I solve a problem for?

  3. Where and how will I make money?

By answering these questions, you not only define your target market and unique value proposition but also outline your revenue generation strategy. This exercise sets the stage for creating customer personas, evaluating technology needs, and developing a comprehensive business plan tailored to your vision and goals.

We include ChatGPT prompts to help you along the way!

Practical Business Planning Implementation

The Business Planning 101 Starter Template is more than just a set of questions—it's a blueprint for your marketing and revenue plan.

Here's how it works:

  1. Goal Setting: Craft a short, succinct message that expresses the essence of your business by addressing the three W’s.

  2. Practical Exercise: Answer the questions provided in the template. Start freeform and refine your responses over time.

  3. Guided Support: Join our office hours for expert advice and feedback on refining your business plan and messaging.

You'll even find value-driven examples that illustrate the effectiveness of our template.

Ready to get planning? Join the Community!

Ready to take your business planning to the next level? Download our Business Planning 101 Starter Template today and unlock the potential of your business.

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